How Do Chemical Peels Work?

Chemical peels are used to reduce the appearance of acne scars, pigmentation, lines, and wrinkles. Chemical peels are generally applied to your face, neck, and chest. A chemical peel is true to its name; it really does peel away the top layer of your skin (and many blemishes that reside therein).

Your skin has a natural exfoliating tendency. This means that healthy, normal skin will flake off old skin cells, and begin to expose new, healthy cells beneath. When you apply a chemical peel, you distress the outer layer of skin and speed up natural exfoliation.

As you remove your chemical peel, your aged skin cells slough off. When this is complete (which may take several days) you’ll expose your new, healthy skin cells that were underneath the old cells. These cells heal quickly and expose a younger, healthier skin to the outer world. Your skin will appear smoother, healthier, and younger to the outside observer.

There are many chemical peels available to you. Please consult your dermatological provider (or your beauty consultant) to see which product is right for your age, lifestyle, and skin type.

Interested in chemical peels or other aesthetic treatments? Contact Connie Brennan RN, aesthetic nurse in MN and schedule an appointment.

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